Open sourcing my home automation

I have been meaning to open source my home automation system for a while now, and finally got around to cleaning it up a bit, documenting and removing the parts specific to my house (actually very little surprisingly). It’s the most Go code I’ve written, and I’m pretty happy with how it looks currently. There’s plenty of functionality, flexibility and it runs with a low overhead thanks to Go. More information is in the README. [Read More]

A tweeting, speaking, IMing house

My house tweets. It speaks. It sends me jabber messages. This seems to be a constant source of amusement for guests. This ‘house of the future’ was built with a small amount of DIY electronics and some software hacking, on a shoestring budget. Over time I’ve added more systems to the house and it is interesting experimenting with novel ways to surface this into a more interactive house. The first system online was a weather station (an Oregon Scientific WMR100). [Read More]