Automatically publishing Hugo blogs to S3

The process traditionally is: create a new blog article, edit it some, save. run hugo on the command line to generate the static site. copy/sync the public directory onto your webserver. Needing a webserver, build environment and text editor is a bit of hassle. It’s all a bit manual too. I’ve previously blogged about hosting on S3, but I wanted to see if a static blog could be managed entirely on free/hosted services. [Read More]
hugo  blog  s3  aws  codeship 

Hello, Hugo!

Been neglecting this blog for a while (check: blog cliché), but just migrated across from Pelican to Hugo, so thought this warrants a quick “check this out” post… Hugo? There’s a bit of a buzz around Hugo in the (albeit niche) world of static-blog-generation-tools. Though Pelican has been great, it feels like the world is slowly moving on from python. Or maybe I’m just a sucker for new stuff. :-) [Read More]
blog  hugo